The Ghost of Ester B

Shirley Gibson-Langille


It all started when I was painting Tom's Shoe Repair shop at 67 Wellington Street. I found out that from 1905 to 1912, Sarah and Rebecca's Fancy Goods Shop was open downstairs. Dressmakers occupied the second floor, and some of the dressmakers lived on the third and fourth floors. Since that time, the fourth floor has been haunted by the ghost of Ester B.--- one of those dressmakers. She wants to show off her beautiful dress---but doesn't want you to see her face! Recently, because of big renovations in the building, Ester B.--- has been seen lurking around Wellington Street. It seems that Martello Alley is a favourite haunt. At all my solo art shows, I have always brought back a ghost from the past. When you come to my show at the Martello Alley --you just might get a glimpse of the ghost of Ester.--B.-- but not her face!
About the artist:

Shirley Gibson-Langille was born in Toronto, but now calls Kingston home, where she is very active in the arts scene. As a Romantic Painter, Shirley works on location, taking the time to connect with her subject, always with a feeling of joy for the love of things just as they are!   

Over the past many years, Shirley has given and continues to give her artists’ perspective to so many of the unique nooks and crannies of Kingston, as well as the other special locations she captures in her work.

Shirley specializes in Portraits of homes and businesses.

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