Little Somme, WW1

Todd Tremeer


Oil on gessoed paper Imperial War Museum , London, UK, 2008 

Frame size 22” x 27”

Todd Tremeer painting/printmaking
‘I paint with oils and watercolour, make etchings and linocuts. My art oscillates between historical and landscape themes. Be it painting outdoors or from miniature models, close observation of my subject is an important element in my work.’

To learn more visit

Todd Tremeer Artist Statement:
As a kid I liked history and its stories. I had a train set and built model kits. Ultimately the train outgrew its table, wrapped itself around the room and was overrun by Hot Wheels cars and small soldiers. Today I continue to think about model building―albeit dioramas associated with museums, train sets, dollhouses and pop-up books.

#ToddTremeer #watercolour #originalpainting #originalart #militarypainting #ww1 #firstworldwar #britisharmy #Canadianarmy #redcross #military #WesternFront #VimyRidge #Somme #Paschendale #militaryhistory


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