Congratulations! You found the Golden Egg!
Congratulations! You found the Golden Egg!
In order to enter the draw follow these steps:
1) Make sure that you are subscribing to our newsletter. You can check by subscribing at and entering your email address in the box at the bottom right corner of the page.
2) Share us on social media. One entry for sharing our post publicly on Facebook (publicly means the post settings must be public and not just seen only by your friends). One additional entry for creating a post on Instagram about our store. Feel free to use your own pictures, or use pictures from our social media. One additional entry for tagging friends in comments on our post on Facebook and one additional entry for tagging friends in comments on our post on Instagram. Total possible entries per person = 4.
You can double your entries for a possible total of 8 by searching for the golden egg and following these steps at both stores- Martello Alley and Martello on Brock.
Good luck! Contest closes at 12:01 p.m. April 11 2021. Winners will be announced later that week.