Scavenger Hunt - DEMO
NOTE: This is just a mock-up and is not working. The videos are first takes. I noticed after taking the videos that I needed to zoom in on the local celebrities. So the videos will be re-taken.
But this gives you an idea of a virtual scavenger hunt. Every contestant has a chance to win a weekly prize pack. At the end of the contest a sculpture by Ron Wettlaufer will be awarded.
Week 1) Scavenger Hunt at Martello Alley. A locally known celebrity is lost at Martello Alley. Can you guess who it is? Watch the video for the clue. When you find the hidden person, submit your answer in the field below (to be provided). One entry per person. An extra entry for sharing using the social media links. Have fun!
Week 2) Scavenger Hunt at Martello onBrock. A locally known celebrity is lost at Martello on Brock. Can you guess who it is? Watch the video for the clue. When you find the hidden person, submit your answer in the field below (to be provided). One entry per person. An extra entry for sharing using the social media links. Have fun!