Yvonne Merton-Fox

A gypsy in spirit, after a childhood of moving from one country to another, Yvonne has never been able to answer the classic question “where do you come from”? For years she agonized over how to put her answer in a nutshell, how to wrap it up in a neat response. The answer was nowhere and everywhere. England, Germany, Turkey, France, Holland, Switzerland and she then moved back to Canada, after 16 years in the Canary Islands.

A business in tourism took Yvonne on countless inspiring journeys to exotic destinations and their influences remain in her soul to this day. She has developed a distinctive, intuitive style, stemming from her kaleidoscope of memories. The Intense colours of the Canary Islands, the red minerals in the volcanoes, the sun, sea, sand and fauna. Markets and Souks in Marrakesh, English country gardens and so much more.

Yvonne is a self-taught artist and aged 68, at the start of a new chapter in her life, she was invited to exhibit in a local gallery in her new home, Kingston Ontario.

Yvonne’s art has been bought by collectors from around the world and is regularly featured in local shows. She has three large paintings on plexiglass, on permanent display in one of Kingston’s historical, downtown locations.
She recently had the honor of one of her paintings being chosen by the Ontario Government, to hang as part of an exhibit in The Ontario Legislature in Toronto.
“It makes me happy that my artistic journey is bringing light and colour to other people’s lives. Knowing this fills me with joy every day.”