Small ice sculptures at sunrise - print 8x10

Nicole Couture-Lord


Small ice sculptures at sunrise - print 8x10

Taking a sunrise photo of these "ice sculptures" with waves crashing in was quite an experience!! The ice sculptures are pieces broken off from a glacier in Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon in Iceland. With each wave, especially the bigger ones, they move a bit or a lot, and can actually bump into you if you are not careful. A photographer in our group was knocked over by the strength of the wave and the bump from an ice piece! He was able to hold his camera out of the salty water and with help of others, got back on his feet. I learned that the small waves could also be treacherous due to the under current. You needed to know your way out of the situation before you got bowled over by these ice blocks! Therefore, it was very important to look behind you between incoming waves so you knew which way to go in a split second. Pulling your tripod with camera out of the sand before the wave got the best of you was harder than it looked. This made for an exhilarating experience, one I soon won't forget!

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